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Husqvarna Endurance Blade Set 45 Piece

Endurance Blade Set 45 Piece
SKU: Hus-595084402@online
In Store Stock: 0
Sales price R 1764
Total: R 1764
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Husqvarna Automowermes Endurance 45 pieces
Husqvarna Automower® Endurance blades deliver more than twice the life compared to conventional blades thanks to the new design. The design provides a harder and sharper edge without compromising safety standards and offers cutting edges on all 4 sides.
These blades fit all automowers from Husqvarna, Gardena & McCulloch
Supplied with bolts (these should ALWAYS be replaced)
What is the difference between the type of mower blades?
Compared to the normal blades with 1 round hole for the bolt, the endurance blades have a long oval hole, this ensures that the blade can rotate on the blade disc. This allows the other side of the blade to be used as well. Because of the better steel and because both sides can be used, these blades last 3 times as long as traditional automower blades.