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Stihl FS 55 R Brushcutter, AutoCut C26-2

Stihl FS 55 R Brushcutter
SKU: Sti-41402000526@online
In Store Stock: 0
Sales price R 5631
Total: R 5631
Total discount:
Price / kg:
Customer Information:
Service 6 months- Grease gearbox once a week - Fuel mix is 40-to-1 or 125ml to 5 litres semi-synthetic 2stroke oil

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GeneralTechnical dataFeaturesDocuments

Low weight compact brushcutter with loop handle for difficult terrain and confined conditions. Functional modern design with excellent balance. Comes standard with AutoCut line head.

Technical data
Technical data Value
Capacity cm3 27,2
Performance kW 0,75
Cutting Attachment Mowing head AutoCut C 26-2
Weight kg 1) 4,4
Cutting diameter mm 420
Tank volume l 0,33