cutsmart web

TEL: +27 87 094 8794 B/Hrs

We have made it easy for you to choose by categorising our machines.

Home use  Landowner use  Professional use 

and for your convenience we have listed our most popular sellers across the different rangers.


Stock subject to warehouse check

Inyathi Zero-Turn 42 inch

Inyathi Zero-Turn 42 inch pressed deck

Sales price: R 99999
Total: R 99999
Total discount:
Price / kg:
Customer Information:

Landowner Application

Store Option Tooltip
Stock subject to warehouse check

Inyathi Zero-Turn 52 inch

Inyathi Zero-Turn 52 inch

Sales price: R 126500
Total: R 126500
Total discount:
Price / kg:
Customer Information:

Professional Application

Store Option Tooltip
Stock subject to warehouse check

Inyathi Zero-Turn 60 inch

Inyathi Zero-Turn 60 inch

Sales price: R 195999
Total: R 195999
Total discount:
Price / kg:
Customer Information:

Professional Application

Store Option Tooltip